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Closed Lands: discussion @VaultFestival, 4 March

Join us at the Vault Festival in London on 4 March 2020 for Closed Lands and take part in the post-show discussion with French playwright, Simon Grangeat; director, Becka McFadden; David Furlong, artistic director of Exchange Theatre and Dr Szabolcs Musca from our research network.

Closed Lands [Terres Closes] is written by Simon Grangeat and produced by LegalAliens Theatre featuring an all female international cast directed by Becka McFadden. The show is co-produced by the Exchange Theatre and was part of our joint R&D project Migrations: Harbour Europe (2019) with LegalAliens Theatre.

To find out more about the play, have a look at the production page and watch Simon Grangeat talk about the inspirations behind the text (in French):


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