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Keynote Lecture

Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making

University of Malta, 14-16 September 2015

We are pleased to announce that Prof Mark O’Thomas will be the keynote speaker for our international symposium Redefining Theatre Communities. Community Perspectives in Contemporary Theatre-making.

Mark O’Thomas is Professor of International Drama and Head of the Lincoln School of Fine & Performing Arts at the University of Lincoln, UK. His main research interest lies at the interface between translation, adaptation and dramaturgy. His work in this area has crossed many disciplines including musicology, film and literature. He has authored a range of papers on drama translation and adaptation, and works as a dramaturg, playwright and translator for a number of theatres, including The Royal Court Theatre and the Royal National Theatre in London.

He recently published, in collaboration with Prof Elaine Aston of Lancaster University, a co-authored book entitled Royal Court: International. Published by Palgrave Macmillan, this book sets to evaluate the impact of the international work of the Royal Court Theatre since the late 1990s.


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